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Shoot the Bullet!

Saturday, July 1st, 2023

CD cover for Shoot the Bullet

Charles Magnan gave some great suggestions on which Touhou games to start out with on Cohost and I wanted to suggest one of my favourites as well.

In Shoot the Bullet you play Aya Shameimaru, news reporter, who is out to take photographs of various characters from the series.

Gameplay screenshot, dodging bullets in a circle pattern and you can see photos to the left.

Unlike the mainline games, you don't actually shoot anything here... other than photographs! Photos remove bullets and are scored depending on what is in them. Take a certain number of photographs to defeat each boss. The challenge comes both from the shot taking and also camera cooldown, whilst the camera is recharging you have to keep avoiding bullets.

Here's a video I found of the gameplay:

This is one of my favourites in the series, it's just a really different experience to most Touhou games because it's a lot of timing and risk-taking on purpose, and I think it's a neat one for folk to try out.

(#touhou #gaming)